The Temporary Processing Method Of Plate Heat Exchanger Gask

The elastic gasket softening is associated with pressure and temperature, and when the gasket has no elasticity, heat exchanger will be dripping. In some products, in order to solve the dripping phenomenon caused by gasket aging, they are allowed to adjust the sealing performance of heat exchangers, which is to tight bolts combined plate heat exchangers again and to adjust the clamping force among elastic gaskets to solve the problem of dripping. On the heat exchanger nameplates had this function are generally showed the allowing maximum and minimum stress. For the new heat exchanger plates group, you need to use the minimum allowing stress to connect and fix. You can adjust tight force of the heat exchangers once or more depending on the number of heat exchanger plates in each group. For tightening them every time, nuts can be screw into 3 mm, and in the process of screwing you should adjust the stress condition of plates carefully. And, it is only allowed to adjust heat exchangers without work pressure, and to adjust tight force under the room temperature to prevent dripping.
If there are no nameplates given the range of stress adjustment for plate heat exchangers, they are given in the part drawings. When tighten this kind of plate heat exchangers, in any case the tightening torque should not be below the specified drawing number, because it is associated with the assembly quality, the assembly deformation of plate heat exchanger. You can replace elastic sealing gaskets in a planned way when the tightening torque achieved the requirement of the specified value. To solve the problem of plate heat exchangers used in the important production equipment and the corrosive medium, it is advisable to have a set of spare seals. When the warehouse temperature is 18 ℃, the seals of plate heat exchangers can be saved 3 years or so in transparent plastic packaging.