Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets & Plates for All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchangers Products
a leader in Plate Heat Exchanger industry in China. We can provide all brands of plate heat exchangers and gaskets,including: SPX, APV, GEA, TRANTER, SWEP, SONDEX, API.Schmidt, HISAKA,FUNKE, Thermowave, Vicarb, DONGHWA, ACCESSEN, MULLER, FISCHER,REHEAT etc, and usually, we prepare some conventional models in our stock for urgent orders, so the delivery time is not a problem, in any case, if you have any requirements in price or delivery time, pls contact us.
All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchangers
Meets all hygienic heating and cooling requirements
ARD All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchangers, with design pressure up to 10 bar (145 psi), meets all the requirements for pasteurization and other heating and cooling duties in hygienic applications.
Efficient design
ARD All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchangers uses FDA-compliant glue-free gaskets and is easy to open for inspection and cleaning or to clean by means of Cleaning-In-Place (CIP). The plate configuration is flexible with many options. In case the process parameters change, plates are conveniently replaced, added or removed.
Plate types for different hygienic needs
All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchanger is available with two different plate types:
Chevron type plate pattern is used in a wide range of industries. This ensures good distribution of the product as well as high thermal efficiency.
Gemini double wall consists of two plates pressed together. It prevents cross contamination between fluids in case of leakage through the plates.
The competitive choice
All Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchanger is a competitive choice for hygienic processes and utility applications in dairy, food, and beverage industries.