Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets & Plates for Semi-welded Plate Heat Exchangers Products
a leader in Plate Heat Exchanger industry in China. We can provide all brands of plate heat exchangers and gaskets,including: SPX, APV, GEA, TRANTER, SWEP, SONDEX, API.Schmidt, HISAKA,FUNKE, Thermowave, Vicarb, DONGHWA, ACCESSEN, MULLER, FISCHER,REHEAT etc, and usually, we prepare some conventional models in our stock for urgent orders, so the delivery time is not a problem, in any case, if you have any requirements in price or delivery time, pls contact us.
Semi-welded Plate Heat Exchanger
The plate heat exchanger consists of a pack of corrugated metal plates with portholes for the passage of the two fluids between which heat transfer will take place.
The plate pack is assembled between a fix frame plate and a movable pressure plate and compressed by tightening bolts.The semi-welded plates combine the flexibility and serviceability of the gasketed heat exchangers with the assurance against leakage of the welded heat exchangers. In the plate arrangement, every other channel is welded, and every other channel is gasketed. The number of plates is determined by the flow rate, physical properties of the fluids
pressure drop and temperature program. The plate corrugations promote fluid turbulence and support the plates against differential pressure.
The semi-welded plate heat exchanger is provided with gaskets specifically designed to resist aggressive media.The non-aggressive media flows in the gasketed channels.This construction means that it can easily be dismantled, for example for exchanging gaskets or for inspection and cleaning of the gasketed channels.
Corrosion-resistant plate materials, the absence of pressure retaining welds, double gasket seals, and a flexible yet vibration resistant design - to assure long life and trouble free operation.
The frame plate and the pressure plate are suspended from an upper carrying bar and located by a lower guiding bar,both of which are fixed to a support column. Connections are located in the frame plate or, if either or both fluids make more than a single pass within the unit, in the frame and pressure plates.